Thought Trot

A recess break for the brain. Let’s explore the unexplorable!

Why True AI Is A Really, Really Bad Idea (Reall)

Before I take any digs at artificial intelligence (as Hollywood portrays it and as we fear it), allow me to express that I am all for using technology to benefit us. Artificial intelligence, as it currently exists, is useful. As a technical tool, it’s downright phenomenal. I should be a fan of technology; after all, […]

Why True AI Is A Really, Really Bad Idea (Reall) Read More »

Is TCP / IP (Our Internet) Alien Technology?

Conspiracy theories, the not-so-serious or non-political kind, serve as a mental break from work, much like recess time did in grade school. Pondering their merit, whether factual or not, is beside the point. As humans, we’re drawn to mysteries and what-ifs in life. We enjoy daydreaming about an Undiscovered Country that only requires our time for

Is TCP / IP (Our Internet) Alien Technology? Read More »