ABOUT (all of) us


Life is about all of us. We are one Kind, the Humankind, and we are in this shit-show together.

Life is about all of us. We are one Kind, the Humankind, and we are in this shit-show together.

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My journey out of hell was long, and impossibly difficult. I have driven the bus in life as well as been dragged underneath it, as many of us have. Life is a series of events, chaining one moment to another, but it was one inparticular lifechanging moment that stood out above them all.  This event cured me from incurable mental ailments that had plagued my life for over 40 years, and I came to learn how it happened.  

I want to share not only what transpired during said event, but lessons I have learned since I crawled out of the bowels of hell, discovered happiness, and finding answers to questions I did not know how to ask–And everything in-between.


Ask two people who they are; only believe the one that struggles with the question. Many of those quick to answer, as I have oftentimes found, are unable to view themselves as other people may see them–quick to share only our positive experiences and attributes, when its the opposite of which that truly defines us. I begin with this nugget of truth, because how much can you know about an individual who attempts to describe themselves?

We get to know people in many ways, but one is certain; The more we listen, the more we are able to understand the who of who they are, and in time–if we keep listening–we may come to understand the why.

So, I implore you to listen with an open mind. I will answer questions, and give my objective perspective on anything, everything, in hopes that my experiences can be used as an aide for you, or to help process and see life in ways you never dreamed possible.